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Batch Export/Import of IOServer Configuration

Exporting IOServer Configuration to a text file

Right mouse click on the IOServer folder and select the Export menu to export all configuration to a text file.

Importing IOServer Configuration from a text file

Right mouse click on the empty IOServer folder and select the Import menu to batch from the text file

Format of IOServer configuration text file

Each line in the file begins with the type of object to be inserted. All properties are tab separated. The items within each property are comma separated (except for Gateitem which uses semi-colon).

Board Property1 Property2
Port Property1 Property2 Property3
Device Property1 Property2
Server Property
Group Property
Item Property
Gategroup Property
Gateitem SemiProperty
Tag username itemID

Board Board.Property1 is the Board name,type
Board.Property2 is unused

The first line must be a Board definition, followed the its associated ports. Each ports definition must be followed immediately by its devices.

Port Port.Property1 is the port name,port type,delay,max pending,retries,timeout,watchtime
Port.Property2 is the Port Property specific to the port type (TCP/IP or Serial)
Port.Property3 is the Channel Property specific to the protocol selected
Device Device.Property1 is the devicename,backupdevice,,,
Device.Property2 is the Device Property specific to the protocol selected
Server OPC Server name,type,node
Group groupname,active,public,time stamp,read type,read source,write type,update rate,dead band,lcid,time bias
Item itemid,access path,requested data type,active
Gategroup group name,active,update rate,dead band
Gateitem source;destination;active
Tag The rest of the file defines the user name and itemID association.

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Last updated: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 08:01:57 GMT