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Bifacial concentration on VMJ cell

VMJ cells requires uniform intensity for proper operation. Cells are 9mm x 9mm square and 0.05cm thick. It consist of 40 junctions producing about 23 volts.

The intensity of the light on each junction becomes fairly uniform when the energy at the front and the back focus are combined at very high concentration level . 50% of the light fall on the front of the cell. The rest is reflected to the back of the cell with a mirror.

The cell will be cooled by immersing it in circulating deionised water in a sealed container. Because of the high voltage, electrolysis of the water will be observed.

Concentration with 395 mm lens

run 'fresnelx w395 g395 l330 e99.99 s40 r21 c20:4.5 c38:4.5' first to calculate the concentration levels

fresnelx w395 g395 l330 s40 r21 11564.6 2420.6 v.225
 777.37W/m2 refractive index at 589.2nm(1.492) m(20), eff(99.990%)
Total input energy 121 Watts
Acrylic Fresnel Lens Width 395mm x 0.405mm, Area 0.16m2,
 Focal Length 330mm (f/0.835), 395 grooves
Slice Radius Power   Tot Tot QEff    Ix   Ax   Area   UV BlueGreen  Red  NIR   IR
                                                   390  492  622  760 1110 4000
          mm     W     W   %   %                mm2    %    %    %    %    %    %
Cell 1 Concentration Level 1564.6x, distance from lens 321.7mm, 0.97f
, radius 5.6mm
   0     0.2   8.3     8   7  48  66939  66939    0    3    4    0    0   53   40
   1     0.5   7.8    16  13  54  21020  32501    0    4    4    0    0   59   33
   2     0.7   5.4    21  18  59   8703  19280    1    6    6    0    1   66   21
   3     0.9   5.1    27  22  62   5896  13425    1    7    8    0    3   69   12
   4     1.1   4.8    31  26  59   4310  10143    1    9   11    0   10   60   11
   5     1.4   4.7    36  30  55   3444   8096    2   10   18    0   17   45   10
   6     1.6   6.8    43  35  51   4226   7070    2    5   34    7   21   25    8
   7     1.8   8.5    51  42  53   4570   6484    2    1   26   16   32   16    9
   8     2.0   7.6    59  49  53   3614   5881    3    1   22   17   35   16   10
   9     2.3   7.1    66  54  53   3006   5335    3    1   20   18   35   16   10
  10     2.5   6.6    73  60  53   2525   4847    3    1   18   20   34   17   10
  11     2.7   6.1    79  65  52   2159   4418    4    1   17   22   33   17   11
  12     2.9   5.7    84  70  52   1841   4037    4    1   15   25   31   17   11
  13     3.2   5.3    90  74  52   1588   3699    4    1   14   27   29   17   12
  14     3.4   5.0    95  78  52   1384   3401    5    1   12   30   28   18   12
  15     3.6   4.7    99  82  52   1214   3136    5    1   10   33   25   19   12
  16     3.8   4.4   104  85  52   1073   2901    5    1    9   40   19   19   12
  17     4.1   4.1   108  89  53    945   2689    6    1    8   44   16   20   11
  18     4.3   3.9   112  92  53    843   2500    6    1    6   44   17   21   11
  19     4.5   3.6   115  95  53    755   2330    6    1    4   44   17   22   11

run 'fresnelx w395 g395 l330 s40 r21 11493.911 29109.688' to calculate the radius and placement of the mirror. 9109.688 = (330 / (330 - (345.453 + 321.462) / 2)) ^ 2

Tracking Error

Visualisation of tracking error from 0 to 1 degree in step of 0.02 degree. The image at the top right corner is the reflection of the back of the absorber. The average concentration level over both surfaces is 914 = 395 * 395 * 0.95 / (2 * 9 * 9)

Concentration with 420 mm lens

run 'fresnelx w420 g700 l330 e99.99 s40 r21 c20:4.5 c37:4.5' first to calculate the concentration levels

fresnelx w420 g700 l330 s40 r21 11937 2346.1 v.225
 777.37W/m2 refractive index at 589.2nm(1.492) m(20), eff(99.990%)
Total input energy 137 Watts
Acrylic Fresnel Lens Width 420mm x 0.248mm, Area 0.18m2,
 Focal Length 330mm (f/0.786), 700 grooves
Slice Radius Power   Tot Tot QEff    Ix   Ax   Area   UV BlueGreen  Red  NIR   IR
                                                   390  492  622  760 1110 4000
          mm     W     W   %   %                mm2    %    %    %    %    %    %
Cell 1 Concentration Level 1937.0x, distance from lens 322.5mm, 0.98f,
 radius 5.4mm
   0     0.2   6.6     7   5  24  53539  53539    0    5    7    0    0   24   64
   1     0.5   6.0    13   9  36  16293  25605    0    5    8    0    0   37   50
   2     0.7   5.7    18  13  51   9243  16515    1    6    9    0    0   53   32
   3     0.9   5.8    24  18  71   6754  12245    1    7   11    0    1   74    8
   4     1.1   5.3    30  22  66   4791   9561    1    8   15    0    1   68    8
   5     1.4   5.3    35  25  61   3884   7827    2    8   23    0    3   60    7
   6     1.6   8.1    43  31  55   5062   7093    2    4   35    7    8   41    6
   7     1.8  10.0    53  39  55   5394   6695    2    1   25   16   16   35    8
   8     2.0   8.9    62  45  55   4245   6181    3    1   21   17   21   32    8
   9     2.3   8.2    70  51  55   3487   5669    3    1   19   17   26   28    9
  10     2.5   7.5    78  57  55   2896   5188    3    1   17   18   37   18    9
  11     2.7   7.0    85  62  55   2465   4753    4    1   15   19   39   17   10
  12     2.9   6.5    91  66  54   2110   4362    4    1   13   20   39   17   10
  13     3.2   6.1    97  71  54   1834   4014    4    1   11   22   38   17   10
  14     3.4   5.7   103  75  54   1602   3703    5    1   10   24   37   18   11
  15     3.6   5.4   108  79  53   1405   3425    5    1    8   26   36   18   11
  16     3.8   5.0   113  83  53   1237   3175    5    1    7   29   34   19   12
  17     4.1   4.8   118  86  53   1098   2951    6    1    5   31   32   19   12
  18     4.3   4.5   123  89  54    976   2748    6    1    4   34   30   20   11
  19     4.5   4.2   127  93  54    868   2565    6    1    2   37   27   21   11

Cost Calculations

Direct Beam Solar irradiation W/m 2
Input Aperture

m 2

Lens Thickness mm
Optical Transmission/Reflective Efficiency %
Optical Geometric Efficiency %
Cell Efficiency % Concentration Ratio
Inverter Efficiency %
Daily Sunshine Hours Hours
Equipment Lifetime Years
Interest rate %
Acrylic Resin Cost


$ $/kW
Tracking structure Cost $/m 2 $ $/kW
Cell Cost $/cm 2 $ $/kW
Cost of inverter $/kW $ $/kW
Balance of system $/kW $ $/kW
Total cost $/m2 $ $/kW
Investment $/kWh/year GWh/year kWh/year
Levelized $/kWh $/hectare/year
Electrical Output kWe Module Efficiency % Thermal Output kWt
Barrel of oil equivalent (578kWhe/Barrel) $/Barrel $/litre
Coal Equivalent (2767kWhe/tonne) tonnes $/tonne tonnes of CO2

Last updated: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 22:06:00 GMT