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Fresnelx Calculates intensity and colour distribution of solar radiation falling on up to three surfaces. Run "fresnelx x" to see available commands.

Fresnelx uses the ASTM G-173-03 Direct Normal solar spectrum, the cauchy equation for acrylic to calculate the refractive index at a particular wavelength, the half-angle of the sun as seen on the surface of earth. For each groove on the fresnel lens, it calculates where each of the 2002 rays (280nm to 4000nm) will fall on the absorber (or if it misses entirely). It divides the absorber into a specified number concentric slices so that the energy falling on each slice is equal. It calculates the outer radius and the spectral content of each slice. If two absorbers are specified, then light that misses the first absorber are calculated for the second absorber. If three absorbers is specified, then the center of the second absorber is hollowed to allows the remaining light to fall on the third absorber. The pictures are rendered with povray.

Command line options:

wx - The width of the square fresnel lens in mm (default value 395 mm).

gx - The number of grooves (default value 395)

lx - The Focal length in mm at 589.2 nm (default value 330 mm)

sx - The total number of concentric slices (default value 36)

1x - The concentration level for the first absorber. This determines the absorber distance from the lens (focallength * (1 - 1/sqrt(x))

2x - The concentration level for the second absorber. This determines the absorber distance from the lens (focallength * (1 - 1/sqrt(x))

3x - The concentration level for the third absorber. This determines the absorber distance from the lens (focallength * (1 - 1/sqrt(x))

rx - If this option is not specified, then the first absorber is divided into 36 equal energy slices. If r19 is specified, then the first absorber have slices 1 to 18 and the second absorber have slices 19 to 36.

Rx - Use with rx to specify the third absorber. e.g r13 R25 will cause the first absorber to have slices 1 to 13, the third absorber to have slices 13 to 24 and the second absorber to have slices 25 to 36.

ex - Percentage of available energy to be collected by all absorbers.

Sx - Sun half angle in degree, change to different value if not on earth surface or different distance from sun.

Mx - Calculates the concentration levels for each absorber so that the maximum local concentration level at any slice does not exceed x. There may be no solution if x is too low or too high.

cs:x - Calculates the concentration level for the absorber, by constraining the outer radius of slice s to x mm. There may be no convergence to a solution if x is too small.

Fresnelx examples

1. Fresnelx 11000

Show the calculations for average 1000x concentration for a single surface at the front focus. Divide the surface into 36 equal energy slices. The default width is 395mm, focal length of 330mm and number of grooves is 395.

2. Fresnelx M2500 r19

Show the intensity and colour distribution for two surfaces. The first surface have 18 slices and the second surface have 18 slices. The maximum intensity for any slice is limited to 2500x.

3. Fresnelx r19 c18:6 c36:14

Constraint the radius of the first surface to 6mm and the radius of the second surface to 14mm

4. Fresnelx 21000 r0

Show the calculations for 1000x concentration for a single surface at the back focus.

5. Fresnelx w6000 g6000 l5000 r13 R25 M1250

Show the calculations for three surfaces for a fresnel lens of width 6m. The maximum intensity for any slice is limited to 1250x

 777.37W/m2 refractive index at 589.2nm(1.492) m(20), eff(99.990%)
Total input energy 27985 Watts
Acrylic Fresnel Lens Width 6000mm x 0.406mm, Area 36.00m2,
 Focal Length 5000mm (f/0.833), 6000 grooves
Slice Radius Power   Tot Tot QEff  Ix   Ax Area   UV BlueGreen  Red  NIR   IR
                                                 390  492  622  760 1110 4000
          mm     W     W   %   %            cm2    %    %    %    %    %    %
Cell 1 Concentration Level 329.3x, distance from lens 4724.5mm, 0.94f,
 radius 186.5mm
   0    26.2 777.3   777   3  50  464  464   22   14   19   20   16   21    9
   1    30.7 777.3  1555   6  51 1250  677    8    9   20   22   17   22   10
   2    35.1 777.3  2332   8  51 1082  773    9   10   20   21   17   22   10
   3    39.6 777.3  3109  11  50  963  813   10   12   20   21   16   22   10
   4    43.9 777.4  3887  14  50  873  825   11   13   20   20   16   21    9
   5    48.3 777.3  4664  17  50  789  819   13   13   20   20   16   21    9
   6    52.7 777.3  5441  19  50  710  801   14   12   21   20   16   21    9
   7    57.3 777.3  6219  22  50  633  775   16    8   23   21   16   22   10
   8    62.0 777.3  6996  25  51  574  746   17    5   26   21   16   22   10
   9    66.7 777.3  7773  28  51  517  715   19    0   29   21   17   22   10
  10    71.7 777.3  8551  31  51  467  682   21    0   28   22   17   23   10
  11    76.8 777.3  9328  33  52  420  648   24    0   26   22   18   24   10

Cell 3 Concentration Level 170.4x, distance from lens 5383.0mm, 1.08f,
 radius 259.3mm
  12    22.8 777.3 10105  36  36  613  645   16    0    0    0    0   41   59
  13    29.4 777.3 10883  39  43  929  660   11    0    0    0    5   48   47
  14    34.4 777.3 11660  42  42  980  674   10    0    0    0   13   41   47
  15    38.5 777.3 12437  44  40 1064  690    9    0    0    0   15   37   48
  16    41.7 777.3 13214  47  35 1250  709    8    0    0    1   13   32   54
  17    45.4 777.3 13992  50  46  999  720   10    0    0    3   15   41   41
  18    48.4 777.3 14769  53  43 1111  734    9    0    0    4   13   39   44
  19    52.0 777.3 15546  56  57  893  741   11    0    0    6   15   53   26
  20    55.9 777.3 16324  58  80  760  742   13    0    0    1   15   80    3
  21    60.6 777.3 17101  61  84  575  732   17    0    0    0    8   92    0
  22    68.4 777.3 17878  64  81  316  692   32    0    0    0    0  100    0
  23    89.3 777.3 18656  67  76   96  551  104    0    0    0    2   98    0

Cell 2 Concentration Level 315.5x, distance from lens 5281.5mm, 1.06f,
 radius 190.6mm, Center hole radius 31.4mm
  24    35.2 777.3 19433  69  63 1250  525    8    0    0   11   32   50    7
  25    39.5 777.4 20210  72  61  998  534   10    0    0   15   44   36    5
  26    44.4 777.3 20988  75  60  771  540   13    0    0   20   72    4    4
  27    49.9 777.3 21765  78  58  610  543   16    0    0   26   71    0    3
  28    56.3 777.3 22542  81  57  469  540   21    0    1   33   65    0    1
  29    63.7 777.3 23320  83  56  359  531   28    0    3   40   56    0    0
  30    72.6 777.3 24097  86  54  263  514   38    0    7   52   41    0    0
  31    83.5 777.3 24874  89  51  187  487   54    0   12   78   10    0    0
  32    97.5 777.3 25651  92  49  126  448   79    0   19   81    0    0    0
  33   116.7 777.3 26429  94  47   77  393  129    0   30   70    0    0    0
  34   147.2 777.3 27206  97  44   39  313  253    0   50   50    0    0    0
  35   259.7 777.3 27983 100  41    7  141 1437    0   93    7    0    0    0


Last updated: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 22:05:59 GMT